Vision Boards and New Year’s Resolutions

What is a vision board?
A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate, and maintain focus on a specific life goal. They are typically made at the top of the new year to plan for the year ahead. They are most commonly designed using a display board decorated with images and letters cut out from magazines.
Why make a vision board?
Planning for the year(s) ahead can give you a sense of agency and control. Rather than just waiting to see what happens or having your goals swirling around in your head, it is helpful to write them down. Be sure to write them down in a place that you visit often so that you are reminded of what you’re working toward. If you ever get off-track or lose sight of your vision, you can quickly refer back to the goals that you set at the start of the year. I particularly love crossing things off a check-list. It is affirming to know that you’re working hard and making progress.